"Website malware removal" and "Complex website malware protection" service provision terms

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1. General terms

1.1. "Website malware removal" and "Compex website malware protection" services are provided on terms established in this agreement (?later? Agreement). Services are provided only on condition of client's consent, and such a consent is a necessary condition for client's registration.

1.2. Parties of this agreement are visitor of webguard.pro site (?later? - Client) and individual entrepreneur Kounich Aleksand Sergeevich, owner of the website and WebGuard.pro trademark, conducting support of this service (?later? - Administrant). 

1.3. In case "Website malware removal" and "Compex website malware protection" services are ordered, Administrant agrees not to disclose website access data given to him by Client and not to use said data in any way unrelated to performing said service.

1.4. Administrant may deny Client's right for service if Client's website, that was supposed to become subject of service, violates rules of law or principles of public morals, or providing service causes significant technical difficulties and/or requires disproportionate technical resourses.

1.5. Administrant does not take responsibility for damages caused to Client's reputation or commercial activities by harmful or unwanted program code on Client's website.

2. Website malware removal

2.1. Administrant guarantees removal of all malware known at the moment of service order by antiviruses such as avast, drweb and kaspersky antivirus. Also website files are checked additionally with Administrant's own signatures, that may discover new viruses, yet unknown to antivirus programs.

2.2 Up to one year warranty after service competion is provided (one year if website is located at WebGuard hosting, 6 months - at different hosting). In case of infection before warranty expiration website malware removal is provided free of charge.

2.3 In case service exceution requires fixing website issues not caused by Administrant's actions, extra work is charged separately with the rate of 14$ per full hour of Administrant's work. Approximate cost of such works is specified beforehand and can not be excessed more than 1.7 times.

3. Complex website malware protection

3.1. Service is provided only in combination with "Website malware removal" service and requires Client's website to be hosted at Administrant's web-server.

3.2. "Complex website malware protection" service includes:

  • Transferring Client's site to Administrant's web-server
  • Updates of cms and additional site components
  • Site vulnerability scanning using specialized software
  • Patching of all critical vulnerabilities
  • Tech support regarding website security issues for a year(monitoring of newly discovered vulnerabilities in Client's site components, periodical repeated vulnerability scans once scanner algorithm is updated, prompt updates of vulnerable components, regular malware scans).

3.3. In case cms or site components' updates require acquisiotion or extension of licenses for said software, expenses are covered by the Client.

4. Service costs and charging order.

4.1. Service costs are published at Administrant's website http://webguard.pro/en/. Any price changes include Client's orders, except the cases when individual or group discounts are granted.

4.2. Payment is carried out in advance (service prepayment). All payments are registered in Administrant's billing system at  http://cabinet.webguard.pro.

4.3. Administrant may choose to increase "Complex website malware protection" service cost. In case service cost is increased, Administrant will inform Client 30 days in advance before cost increase takes place. Client may deactivate service if new cost is inadmissible for him. If Client has not deactivated website malware protection service it is treated as consent of the price increase.

4.4. Administrant may choose to reduce service costs, including providing services free of charge, individually for Client and for different groups of users. In this case Administrant may, but not obliged to inform the Client.

4.5. Service costs can be specified individually with the Client in case his website requires significantly more resources to fully carry out all services, compared to average user websites.

5. Final provisions

5.1. All matters not regulated in this agreement are regulated according to Russian Federation legislation (including cases when one of the sides is not a resident of Russian Federation). Disputes originating from sides' relations on "Website malware removal" and "Complex website malware protection" services are recognized by this agreement as subordinate to judicial institutions of Krasnodar and Krasnodar region.

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